Miot „G” Refugium Polonica ur. 10.09.2019

Hodowca: Barbara Wierzbicka

Ginewra (rude z białym)
Gorawen (rude z białym)
Grainne (rude z białym)

Gwendoline (rude z białym)
Gawain (tri)

Woodhenge Star RenaissanceMaplecreek Legally Bound to PenliathMaplecreek Silver Sword
Maplecreek Fly Girl
Woodhenge Star MaidenHighworth Northern Lights over Pendrell
Mystic Dreamer of Woodhenge
Night Keepish Letuchaya MyshLaif Spring Va BankVuedor Skyfall
Laif Spring Kiss Me Quick
Night Keepish GayaneLaif Spring Tommy Taker
Sirin Utrennyaya Rosa